Tips to Succeed at Your New Year Resolutions

Is this your year for achieving big things?  Maybe making it a year of making small, meaningful steps toward wellness is more effective.

We often have a lofty goal, i.e. I will get fit this year.  It is a great goal and I encourage it.  However, gyms are packed in January and often vacant in March.  Why is that?

Sometimes, we don’t set realistic goals based on our schedule, family and work responsibilities, budget and personality.  If you don’t recognize these and plan around them, you will sabotage your goal.

Let’s focus on the wellness goal of becoming fit.  When and how much time can you carve out each day for exercise?  What can you let go of in your schedule to create more time for exercise? 

Ideally, you need 150 minutes of cardio workout per week.  This is 20 minutes 7 days a week of 30 minutes 5 days a week.  Having a body that is strong and flexible is also important.    If you can’t fit in 20 minutes, start with 10 minutes.  This is better than not doing it at all.  Everyone can take a 10 minute break at work and do a brisk walk.  It is a start to being more fit, releases stress and helps with your mental focus.  What if you did this twice a day at work?  Your productivity will actually improve.

Start planning your life so you can increase the amount of time you have to exercise.  Another quick exercise idea is to walk the stairs instead of taking an elevator.  My husband worked on the 7th floor and decided to stop taking the elevator.  It didn’t take any longer than waiting for the elevator and definitely improved his fitness level. It just became part of his work day.  Now, 7 floors might be too much to start.  What if you can only do one?  So what, start there.  You will be able to increase over time. To succeed at becoming fit you need to give yourself grace.  Wherever you start is okay.  Just keep at it, be consistent and you will succeed. 

What are your time wasters or things you are willing to give up to give up to exercise? Make this part of your exercise plan.  Choose to make time to be fit!  It won’t happen otherwise.

Be realistic about your time.  I will only go to a gym that is close to my house.  I don’t want to spend my time driving to exercise.  It just takes too much time.  This is why Fit to Live provides classes at work sites or online.  People don’t have to drive anywhere.   I also can walk out my door and walk, bike or cross country ski so it is very easy for me to get a cardio workout.  This is also why I recommend a walking program as a good place to start your fitness program.  It is free. You can do it anywhere.   I prefer walking in nature it is more enjoyable but if it is a nasty day you could go to a mall.  Here are 3 types of walking programs you can do anywhere.

If you plan your exercise to fit your schedule and commit time for it you’re are most likely to succeed. However there are a few other ways we sabotage our success:

1.      Commit – Choose that exercise is important.  Think of exercise like brushing your teeth.  Do you stop brushing your teeth when on vacation?  If you are busy do you stop brushing your teeth?  No!  Think of exercise in the same way.  It is part of your daily routine and not open to negotiation.  When you think of exercise the same way as brushing your teeth you will become and stay fit the rest of your life.

2.      Are you the type of person who can exercise on your own? Some of us are very social.  Walk with family or friends.  They can also be your support group. If they can’t walk with you one day, do it anyway.  Plan a celebration with them on your accomplishments each month.  Remember, taking time to exercise is good role-modeling for your kids.  You are showing them healthy lifestyles are important.

3.      If you blow it one day, start again the next.  Again, give yourself grace.  You are not a failure if you immediately commit again the next day.  However, if you are starting to do this more often, you need someone to be an accountability partner.  We all go through a power struggle within us when we are doing a new behavior.  Choose a friend or family member who you check in with each week.

4.      Stay Motivated and Celebrate!  Take time to write down how you will feel, how much more energy you will enjoy, how much less stress you will have by walking or exercising.  When your motivation starts to lag, pull this out and read it.  Remember why this was important to you.  Now, celebrate each accomplishment.  Each week you do this is a win.  I don’t recommend celebrating with ice cream but do something for self-care.  Have your nails done, soak in a bath, plan something fun as a reward, at the end of the month give yourself a gift of massage.  You decide what celebrations get you excited.

The best exercise program includes a cardio workout, flexibility, balance and strength exercise.  The walking program is a great start for cardiovascular health.  Here are some free links for short workouts for core and pelvic health and flexibility.

We will be doing a series of blogs to help achieve your wellness goals this year.

Enjoy.  Have a healthy and wonderful New Year.