Self-Love Day 7

Use essential oils. 

Fragrances can have quite a powerful impact on your emotional state. As soon as you take a whiff, the airborne odor molecules travel up the nose to your olfactory receptors, which then relay messages to other parts of the brain. Your sense of smell is the only one of the five senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, the emotional control center.


I think they should be in everyone’s wellness tool kit.  Studies show they can help you reduce stress in a couple of minutes and can be emotionally uplifting.  I am an outdoor girl and love being in the woods.  Inhaling Northern Black Spruce or Pine essential oil can transport me to the feelings of the woods when I am trapped inside.


So, grab those oils and inhale or diffuse them! Some of my favs are Peace and Calming, Citrus Fresh, Valor, Believe, and Abundance. Find what works for you and use them consistently!  

What kind of scents are you drawn to?  Florals?  Try Joy, jasmine, or lavender essential oils.  Citrus? Try orange, tangerine or Citrus Fresh.

What are some oils you like to use on regular basis?  I use frankincense daily because it is emotionally and spiritually uplifting so it is great for meditation and prayer plus it’s great for my skin. 

These essential oil suggestions are great for a yoga practice or to transform a stressful day at work.

Here is a quick stress technique that will lower stress in 2 minutes.