Self -Care Part 2: Sleep Well!

Adequate sleep is critical for your self-care.  It affects you emotionally, mentally and physically.  It affects your immune system and energy levels.  Lack of sleep can cause serious health issues. 

How can you improve your sleep?

  •  Don’t drink liquids or eat before you go to bed.  You don’t want to be getting up to use the bathroom throughout the night.

  • Create a nightly sleep routine.  It programs your body that it is time for sleep.  Go to bed about the same time every night.  If you been rushing around all day, create a ritual to relax before going to bed.  Do some stretches to release muscle tension.  Listen to calming music or nature sounds.   

  • Create a little spa ritual for your skincare to pamper you and relax.

  • Breathe in or diffuse calming essential oils such as Lavender, Tranquil or StressAway.  Cedarwood essential oil is a good to help calm mental chatter.  (See below why these help with better sleep & try the great calming recipe). Massage your feet and big toes with these essential oils.  Quality Matters when it comes to Essential Oils.. Here is why I recommend these.

  • No electronics in the bedroom.  This means TV, computers and cell phones.  Charge phone in another room.  Electronics interfere with your REM sleep. 

  • Light impairs your melatonin production during your sleep.  Melatonin is important for your immune system.  Block out light by wearing an eye mask and have room-darkening curtains so you don’t wake up too early to morning light.


Check out these oils from Young Living:

Lavender – Put a drop on pillow or dilute a little with carrier oil and rub on temples

Valerian – Great for restless nights!  Make your sheets the best things to slip into when the sun goes down. Create a slumber-supporting linen spray by combing 15 drops Valerian, 10 drops Clary Sage, 10 drops Cedarwood, and distilled water in an 8-ounce spray bottle.

Cedarwood essential oil - is your ultimate travel buddy. Use it to make a home away from home whether you’re snoozing in a new city or trying to get comfy in the great outdoors.

How to use Cedarwood for sleep

How exactly do you turn this balmy aroma into your number-one packing necessity? When you’re in a stuffy hotel room, you can diffuse it to eliminate distracting odors. When you’re in a tent, you can apply it topically for a comforting scent that makes sleeping on the ground easier.

Rutavala - A blend of Ruta, Valerian and Lavender essential oils, RutaVaLa™ is a perfect addition to any nighttime routine. Diffuse it after a hectic day to create a calming environment or dilute it with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and massage onto the bottoms of your feet during the evening.

Peace & Calming, StressAway & Tranquil – The names of these blends says it all.  Massage on the bottoms of your feet before bed, diffuse during sleep or put a drop on back of your neck, shoulders and hands.  Cup hands over your hands and breathe in for a couple of minutes to unwind for better sleep. 


To breathe easier and relax to sleep better, I like to diffuse lavender, eucalyptus globulus and RC!

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