Short Heart Meditation for the Holidays

Sometimes Holidays aren’t so easy.  You can feel rushed getting everything done.  Sometimes family is not so pleasant to be around.  As a coach for HeartMath, I received this heart meditation from them and would like to share it with you to help create connections and compassion.

Focus on your heart and breathe in the feeling of love or appreciation that you have for someone or something you care about.  For me, focusing on a special spot in nature helps me feel appreciation on the beauty of our world.

Feel your heart aligning with others you know are caring people to help increase compassion, kindness and cooperation throughout the world.

Now send love and compassion with the intention to reduce separation, fear and resignation – see more people coming together in the heart to find new solutions.

Close by holding in your heart compassionate care for all who are experiencing difficulties, trauma or sadness this holiday season.

Send this energy out.  It helps.