How Resilient People are Different

Do you want to be 4 years old or resilient?

Life sometimes throws you a curve.  That’s life.  But why is it that some people rail at life’s tough events and seem to get stuck?  Why are others more resilient?

The pandemic has thrown all of us a curve.  Have you had times when you felt like this 4 year old? I know I have.

She expresses well our frustrations.  However, we don’t want to get stuck in those feelings of frustrations and be mad at the world.  It won’t help us.  How can we be resilient even when times are difficult?

How are resilient people different? 

There are 4 Characteristics that People who are Hardy & Resilient, Practice!

  1. Situation Mastery

  2. Adaptability

  3. Time Management

  4. Personal Power

Situation Mastery – is a state of balanced coping in which you neither over-react, under-react, nor react inappropriately, but use inner resources & external supports in harmony with your personal life goals and needs.

The opposite is ceaseless striving, which is the endless struggle to control the uncontrollable Here is a technique to help you stop trying to control the uncontrollable.

Now it would be totally inappropriate for adults to act like the 4 year old.  When they do, they demonstrate a lack of coping skills. 

The Key Skills to develop for Situation Mastery are patience, prioritizing, pacing, and setting reasonable expectations.

Adaptability – is the ability to shift gears, change directions, take time-outs and try different strategies to manage difficult situations.. Here is a technique to take an emotional time out so you can make better decisions.

The opposite of adaptability is rigidity, being unable or unwilling to shift from your usual response.

Key Skills are to take time out to rethink how you are approaching a problem and to replenish your energy after the pressure is over.

Time Management – is the use of time as an essential resource through which tasks and activities are arranged based on your priorities and your value system. 

The opposite of time management is disorganization, which leads to chaos and uncontrollable deadlines, task and activities.

Key skill to develop is to prioritize your personal goals.

Personal Power – is knowing that you have the inner capacity to give and receive what you want and need.

The opposite of personal power is helplessness, feeling incapable to help yourself or fulfill your needs.

Key beliefs necessary to feel Personal Power – you have an inner security that you have the capacity to meet whatever challenge you face and that what you do makes a difference.

It is critical for your health & happiness to learn and practice stress management and resiliency skills.

Fit to Live will be providing a series of blogs and classes to help you develop the above skills and more.

We want you to not just survive these difficult times but thrive.  We can transform our stress & health.

It is possible!