Get Intentional to Change Your Life!

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Get Intentional: Choosing To Change Your Life

  • Have you noticed some people handle the pandemic better than others?

  • How many times have you experienced a problem and lamented that life just isn’t fair?

  • Can you often be heard complaining that you never experience any lucky breaks?

  • Do you realize your attitude or way of addressing situations directly affects your life?

Fortunately, you have the power to change your life by simply revising your way of thinking or feeling and altering certain behaviors and patterns. You may not be able to control exactly what happens to you. However, the decision to change your life by controlling how you deal with situations is always up to you!

Intentionality & Change

"Intentionality" as defined by Esther M. Orioli in her EQ Map©, an online measure of emotional intelligence, is "the ability to act deliberately, ‘on purpose’, to say what you mean and mean what you say."

This is such a powerful word.  It refers to the relationship between your state of mind, your feelings and emotions, your way of thinking and the world around you. It is your ability to perform conscious actions, express yourself directly and make decisions that reflect the values and goals of both your personal and professional life.

Intentionality involves three principal factors:

  • Dealing effectively with distractions so you can focus on your objectives

  • Recognizing the genuine motivation for your daily interactions

  • Remaining committed to achieving what you want from life  

Intentionality means assuming responsibility for everything you do and the specific reasons you do them.

Impulsive, haphazard or random decisions and actions can have a negative effect on your life. You can learn ways to avoid them.  Sometimes we have no control over the specific circumstances or events we encounter in our lives. We can alter the way we respond to them., however.  Some people complain about wearing a mask.  They focus on frustration and don’t want to accept current reality.  Other people recognize we are in this together.  They see wearing a mask as a demonstration of caring for others.  Which response will make you feel better?  Which response will have a positive effect?  Research now shows if 80% of Americans wear a mask in public 40,000 less people will die from Covid - 19.   I choose to focus on that my efforts saves lives.

When you start to feel powerless, take Christina Baldwin’s advice:

"When you’re stuck in a spiral, to change all aspects of the spin you need only to change one thing."

Remember even very small steps in your behavior can produce big changes in your life.

What 1 thing will you start today?

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Here is another skill to help you be resilient!