In tough times wait for dessert!

No one steps up to life’s banquet, holds out her tray, and orders, “Grief, please!”, but as a child I was served a heaping helping of it and burped up for years its bitter aftertaste of sadness…

So whatever the slop being ladled out, and if you just keep going you might get to the good stuff, the happiness cupcakes, the parfaits of joy. And if you can’t find them, demand to see the manager.

Lorna Landvik in her novel, Best to Laugh.

Sometimes, life is difficult. I find scheduling something fun each week, reading authors who make me laugh and feel good like Lorna Landvik or Janet Evanovich and focusing on gratitude helps me get through tough times to the dessert of life!

Practicing the ACT Technique definitely helps me feel empowered and more resilient. Check it out.

Now where’s that cake?