Eat Sustainably by Reducing Waste

Did you know that you can save money & the environment by eating sustainably?

  • Here’s the economic impact: A family of four in Minnesota could save $1,200 a year by reducing their food waste.

  • Environmental impact: Food makes up 18% of landfills in Minnesota, where it breaks down and produces methane, a greenhouse gas with heat-trapping potential 25 times greater than carbon dioxide. Reducing wasted food is a significant opportunity to mitigate climate change.

Wouldn’t you rather spend $1200 on a vacation and do your part to help our planet?

Here are some simple ways to reduce food waste:

  • Buy produce in season – you’re reducing your carbon footprint by not having it shipped across country or the world.

  • By locally - Support your local farmers

  • Keep produce longer or use all year long by chopping and freezing and putting in freezer-safe containers.  You know longer will have to buy pre-packaged frozen vegetables.  You can also dry your own vegetables & herbs.

  • Shop bulk as much as possible.  They are usually cheaper and you can buy just what you need. 

  • Use those stems.  Broccoli stems sliced thinly are great in stir fries or grate them is your food processor for broccoli slaw.  Cilantro stems are delicious.  Put them in your salsa or salads.  Kale stems, chopped small, or great in soups and stir fries. 

  • If fruits getting a little soft, use in a smoothie.

  • Homemade stocks are easy.  Keep a freezer-safe bag or container in your freezer.  Fill it with veggie scraps such as carrot tops, potato peels, kale stems, garlic & onion skins, etc.  Keep one for leftover bones.  When your bags are full make a delicious stock.  It is delicious & nutritious!

    Compost what you can’t eat!

  • Save money & reduce your carbon footprint by eating your way to a healthier planet.

    It’s not hard!