Ritual to Release 2020 & Begin 2021!

To start fresh in the new year, we need to release last year. 2020 was a challenging year. Here is a beautiful ritual that only takes 10 minutes to put you in a positive space for 2021. Find a quiet space, grab a notebook and follow along.


5 Steps to Release Past & Create a Positive Space:

1. Celebrate. Whether big or small, YOU have accomplished things this year. Start your reflection with celebration for your growth and for simply tackling each day. Place a drop of Joy essential oil on your heart and write down your personal celebrations.

  • What helped you grow this year?

  • What do you feel good about accomplishing?

  • What are you grateful for in the last year?

2. Release. Before you manifest and plan for a bright new year, it’s important to release anything that is not serving you. Massage a drop of Release on your liver. Are you holding tension in your body? Mindfully try to release it as you take a deep inhale and exhale. Next, ask yourself these questions: what limiting beliefs did I face this year? what energy or pattern do I need to leave behind?

  • What patterns, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs do I want to release and not bring into the new year?

  • What beliefs & behavior no longer serve you?

  • Are their frustrations and anger you want to release?

3. Inspire. It’s time to inspire clarity and vision. Add a drop of Envision to the palms of your hands, rub them together, and hold them up to your nose and inhale. Then jot down a few goals you would like to accomplish (you can revisit this part later if you need more time to plan your goals)!

  • This is an opportunity to renew your faith in the future!

4. Attract. Invite the energy of prosperity and plentitude with Abundance essential oil. Apply a drop in the palms of your hands or on your neck and temples. Then write down a few positive affirmations e.g. “I am a magnet for abundance” or “I attract positive people and experiences in my life.” Did you know? This blend contains oils like Orange and Ginger, which were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace.

  • Declare what you want. What are your affirming statements for the new year?

5. Transform. Finish your reflection with uplifting thoughts for the future that lies ahead. Transformation™ essential oil blend includes powerful essentials like Idaho Blue Spruce, Palo Santo, and Ocotea. This aroma empowers you to replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts when diffused. You can also add a few drops to diffuser jewelry at this time and any moment you need it in the upcoming year!

  • Inhale or diffuse this oil.

  • Anchor in with the aroma what you want in the coming year. List your affirmations: i.e. I choose happiness, I am attracting positive people in my life. What are yours?

I love these aromas. I find them very uplifting. There are definitely days I need to be uplifted. I am so ready to release 2020 and be in a positive frame of mind for the upcoming year. How about you? For oils click here. For more information on how to use them and build a wellness plan contact me.