Relay for Water!


I am a member of EcoSpirits and St. Joan of Arc.  We are one of many organizations in Minnesota who are participating in the “Relay For Our Water” – represented by a small amount of water that was collected at the Mississippi River Headwaters in Itasca State Park. This "Relay For Our Water", which will travel hundreds of miles around the State, is focused on our commitment and eternal connection to water through celebration, expression of gratitude, and actions to protect it.

What is the relay for water?

A pint of water has been taken from the headwaters of the Mississippi River in Itasca State Park.  This precious water is being passed from group to group throughout Minnesota like the running of the Olympic Torch.  It represents our respect and reverence for water.  Our lives & planet are dependent on it.  The relay deepens our commitment to protect all waters.

Our Minnesota water is currently threatened by several entities, especially the proposed Line 3 oil pipeline expansion project by Enbridge Energy.  Pipeline Three proposed replacement crosses Anishinaabe 1885 Treaty lands and the threat it poses to water quality violates the Winters Doctrine.

We are involved with this RELAY because we know how important WATER is in our lives.  It is essential…and yet it is abused. Our WATERS continue to be threatened by Pipelines that carry OIL.   WATER and OIL DO NOT MIX

Line 3 Pipeline is old.  It is time to remove it.  It is time for truth telling. Our overreliance on oil is coming to an end.  It is not fiscally responsible to keep supporting a dying industry that is hurting our planet.  Our future is pointing toward a renewable, sustainable future.  Let us walk to that future now.

People--who care about maintaining clean water, who are worried about climate change and who understand that the pipeline violates treaties with Native People--have been saying “No” to this pipeline for 6 years. 

Water ball.jpg

We are carrying this water to raise awareness and take action to restore our WATERS, our LAND and our relationships with INDIGENOUS communities.

Join us – September 22nd on this celebration of water and taking action to protect it.  The relay will consist of participants traveling by either bike or a low emission (hybrid) or zero emission (electric) vehicle.  We will meet at the St. Joan of Arc parking lot (3rd Ave & 45th St. in Minneapolis at 4:45PM. We will travel along Minnehaha creek to Nokomis Square Cooperative (50th St, & 35th Ave.) where it will be handed off to the Spirits in Action group. Join us or cheer us along the way.

What are the environmental and climate concerns about the pipeline?

According to MPR oil spills are a big concern. Opponents note that the nation's biggest inland oil spill happened on the current Line 3 near Grand Rapids, Minn. The line has leaked crude other times, too.

Enbridge's preferred route runs through sensitive natural areas in northern Minnesota — including the Mississippi River headwaters, wild rice waters, forests and wetlands. Running Line 3 through those areas, opponents say, is too great a risk.

Plus, there's the bigger-picture issue of climate change. Line 3 would carry some tar sands crude, which is among the dirtiest and most carbon-intensive forms of oil.

The relay will end in late September with the water being returned to the Mississippi headwaters.