Beyond Green

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Beyond Green- Why is it important to reduce exposure to environmental toxins?

I am Director Fit to Live and had the experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 even though I had a healthy lifestyle and no family history. As a board member of Women’s Cancer Action I became aware of the neurotoxins, cancer causing and hormone disrupting ingredients in our everyday products, water, food supply and air.


I no longer think exercise and good diet is good enough to prevent being sick. You have to be more proactive. Here is why:

  • Don Colbert, MD, author of Toxic Relief, states “Every day we are exposed to thousands of toxins, and they are slowly accumulating in our bodies.”

  • Estimates show most Americans have somewhere between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies. Exposure to environmental toxins from your air, water and food supply has been linked to depression, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, and a lessened ability to handle stress. (Joseph Mercola, D.O., M.D. board-certified in family medicine)

  •  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 127 custodians died nationwide between 1993 and 2001 as a result of the cleaning products they were using. 

  • Overuse has helped create increasingly resistant strains of bacteria. According to the CDC, more than 70 percent of bacterial causing hospital-acquired infections are resistant to at least one of the drugs used to treat them. MRSA, a highly resistant form of staphylococcus (AKA staph), is creating serious hospital infections.

  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) studies found that exposure to a volatile organic compound in artificial fragrances may cause reductions in lung function. 1,4 DCB is typically used as a space deodorant in products such as room deodorizers, toilet bowl blocks, etc.

  • According to Healthy Legacy, the U. S. regulatory system fails to protect us. Of more than 80,000 chemicals on the market, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has required testing on fewer than 200 chemicals for their toxicity.

  •  The Center for Disease Control has found a direct link between petrochemicals and breast cancer and yet they are in many of our personal care products and cosmetics.

  •   According to Fidelity Investments’ 2009 survey, a couple, both age 65, retiring today will spend approximately $240,000 on health care during their retirement years – and that doesn’t include any assisted living or nursing care! Staying healthy in retirement can make a significant difference in how long your retirement savings will last. If you are proactive in your health now, it can make a major difference the amount of money you will have in your retirement to enjoy. Wouldn’t you rather spend the money on travel than being sick?

  •  Radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer.  Have you had your home tested?


“As consumers, we have the power to control the level of toxins that enter our homes.”
Deirdre Imus


Are you ready to control the level of toxins you allow in your home?  Click here to take our healthy home assessment.